Land cover of Guinea-Bissau - Globcover Regional (46 classes)

This land cover data set is derived from the original raster based Globcover regional (Africa) archive. It has been post-processed to generate a vector version at national extent with the LCCS regional legend (46 classes). This database can be analyzed in the GLCN software Advanced Database Gateway (ADG), which provides a user-friendly interface and advanced functionalities to breakdown the LCCS classes in their classifiers for further aggregations and analysis.

The data set is intended for free public access.

The shape file's attributes contain the following fields: -Area (sqm) -ID -Gridcode (Globcover cell value) -LCCCode (unique LCCS code)

You can download a zip archive containing: -the shape file (.shp) -the ArcGis layer file with global legend (.lyr) -the ArcView 3 legend file (.avl) -the LCCS legend tables (.xls)

Supplemental Information:

This land cover product is a vector version (ESRI shape) of the Globcover archive that was published in 2008 as result of an initiative launched in 2004 by the European Space Agency (ESA). Globcover is currently the most recent (2005) and resoluted (300 m) datasets on land cover globally. Given the need of this valuable information for environmental studies, natural resources management and policy formulation, through activities of the Global Land Cover Network (GLCN) programme, the Globcover has been reprocessed to generate databases at national extent that can be analyzed through the Advanced Database Gateway software (ADG) by GLCN. ADG is a cross-cutting interrogation software that allows the easy and fast recombination of land cover polygons according to the individual end-user requirements. Aggregated land cover classes can be generated not only by name, but also using the set of existing classifiers. ADG uses land cover data with a Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) legend. The ADG software is available for download on the GLCN web site at

Contact points:

Metadata Contact: FAO-Data

Resource Contact: Antonio Martucci

Data lineage:

This land cover database is provided as ESRI shape file (vector format) and derives from reprocessing the raster based Globcover database (regional version). Globcover has undergone the following process: a) vectoralization at the national extent using ESRI ArcGis (arcinfo) 9.3; b) topological reconstruction (custom AML scripts launched inside ArcGis-arcinfo 9.3); c) simplification of areas according to a minimum mapping unit of 0.1 skim (10 ha) (custom AML scripts launched inside ArcGis-arcinfo 9.3); application of the FAO/UNEP Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) legend (46 classes); final processing to assure full compatibility with the GLCN software Advanced Database Gateway (ADG).

Online resources:

Download - Land cover of Guinea-Bissau - Shape file format

GLOBCOVER on the ESA Web site

Global Land Cover Network - GLCN

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated March 14, 2023, 04:41 (CDT)
Created January 16, 2023, 19:36 (CST)
encoding utf8