Electricity Supply Reliability Project

URL: http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/998561468003051911/pdf/612640PAD0P1161e0only1910BOX358351B.pdf

The proposed additional financing for the Electricity Supply Reliability Project for Armenia would scale up project activities to enhance the impact of the ongoing project and finance the cost of rehabilitation of three substations essential for Armenia’s power transmission network. The proposed objective is to increase the reliability and capacity of the power transmission network. The objective would not change with the proposed AF and the implementation arrangements would remain the same. The project consists of two components, the first being strengthening of the power transmission network which remains the same as the parent project expect that it will be modified to finance only rehabilitation of Haghtanak, Charentsavan, and Vanadozer. The second component will also remain the same except that it will be modified to also finance goods, technical assistance, including Training and Operating costs, to HVEN to strengthen its capacity in operation and maintenance of power transmission network assets.

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Data last updated November 14, 2018
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