Great Smoky Mountains National Park Water Quality Monitoring Locations

A feature class depicting geographic locations where permanent water quality monitoring locations have been established in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. This includes monitoring location sites establised by the National Park Service and other state and federal agencies responsible for water quality monitoring and reporting. Agencies responsible for a monitoring location are listed in the attributes ORGANIZATIONIDENTIFIER and ORGANIZATIONFORMALNAME. For the display, query, and analysis of legacy and current hydrology spatial and tabular data; Consolidate and centralize a very diverse range and quantity of monitoring location site data from numerous programs and protocols; Mitigate the duplication of monitoring location data across shared systems; Allow for single-source identification and management of monitoring location sites that are "co-located"; Provide a single point of data entry, management, query, analysis, and display of water quality data from numerous sources, including STORET which are sourced from an accurate monitoring location database; Enable spatial relationship of water quality monitoring data to High-Resolution USGS NHD Reaches through the use of modern GIS, database, and statistics software; Support USGS and EPA standards for spatial and non-spatial hydrology and water quality data exchange and sharing. Very important details are included in the attached metadata document and should be read thouroughly before these data are used.

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Maintainer NPS IRMA Help
Last Updated July 26, 2019, 17:51 (CDT)
Created July 26, 2019, 17:51 (CDT)