Imagery-Landsat 8 Agriculture with DRA

Landsat 8's Operational Land Imager (OLI) collects new imagery for a given location every 16 days. In this band combination, vigorous vegetation appears bright green, healthy vegetation appears as a darker green, while stressed vegetation appears dull green. Coniferous forests appear as a dark, rich green while deciduous forests appear as a bright green. Sparsely vegetated and bare areas appear brown and mauve. This map is updated on a daily basis, retaining the 4 most recent scenes for each path/row that have cloud coverage < 50%, plus the scene closest to the corresponding GLS 2000 scene. Over time the older or cloudier scenes will be removed from the service. Each scene has attributes such as the acquisition date and estimated cloud cover percentage, which can be seen by clicking on the image. By default the map shows the most recent scenes, but by enabling time animation on the imagery layer, it is possible to restrict the displayed scenes to specific date range. Filters can be set to restrict and order the scenes based on other attributes as well.At scales smaller than 1:1 Million, overviews with 300m resolution are shown. To work with an individual scene at all scales use the lock raster functionality  - (Set display order to a list of images Web Maps). Note that ‘Lock Raster’ should not be used on the service except for short periods of time, since each day a new service is created the Object IDs will change.Band Combination: Shortwave Infrared (6), Near infrared (5), Blue (2) into RGBImportant Note: This web map shows imagery from the Landsat 8 Views image service, which is a free service and doesn't need any subscription. Similar services exist for returning PanSharpened, Panchromatic, and Analytic (full bit depth) imagery. Landsat data can also be accessed at more information on Landsat 8 imagery, see

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Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated August 8, 2019, 10:42 (CDT)
Created August 8, 2019, 10:42 (CDT)
dcat_issued 2018-03-23T15:49:21.000Z
dcat_modified 2018-11-09T01:30:40.000Z