Landsat 8 Imagery: Bathymetric with DRA

Landsat 8 OLI, 30m multispectral and multitemporal 8-band imagery, rendered on-the-fly as Bathymetric with DRA.  Time-enabled for visualization and analytics, this imagery layer pulls directly from the Landsat on AWS collection and is updated daily with new imagery.Geographic CoverageWorld-wide imagery coverage.Polar regions are available in polar-projected Imagery Layers:  Landsat Arctic Views and Landsat Antarctic Views.Temporal CoverageThis layer is updated daily with new imagery. Landsat 8 imagery is collected for each point on Earth every 16 days.Most images collected from January 2015 to present are included.Approximately 5 images for each path/row from 2013 and 2014 are also included.Analysis ReadyThis imagery layer is analysis ready with Top of Atmosphere (TOA) correction applied.The TOA reflectance values (ranging 0 – 1 by default) are scaled using a range of 0 – 10,000.The scale is equivalent to other TOA reflectance products, including those provided by the USGS.Image Selection/FilteringThe three most recent and cloud free images for any area are available by default.The entire archive is accessible via custom filtering.A number of fields are available for filtering, including Acquisition Date, Estimated Cloud Cover, and Product ID.Landsat_product_id distinguishes between Pre-Collection and Collection 1 data.  More…By setting the filter to Best is lesser than QQQQ one can control to see the best N scenes, where QQQQ=N1million.NOTE:  Turning off all filters, and loading the entire archive, may affect performance.Visual RenderingDefault rendering is Bathymetric (bands 4,3,1) with Dynamic Range Adjustment (DRA), useful in bathymetric mapping applications. Raster Functions enable on-the-fly rendering of band combinations and calculated indices from the source imagery.The DRA version of each layer enables visualization of the full dynamic range of the images.Other pre-defined Raster Functions can be selected via the renderer drop-down or custom functions can be created.This layer is part of a larger collection of Landsat Imagery Layers that you can use to perform a variety of mapping analysis tasks.Pre-defined functions:  Natural Color with DRA, Agriculture with DRA, Geology with DRA, Color Infrared with DRA, Bathymetric with DRA, Short-wave Infrared with DRA, Normalized Difference Moisture Index Colorized, NDVI Raw, NDVI Colorized, NBR Raw15 meter Landsat Imagery Layers are also available:  Panchromatic and Pansharpened.Multispectral BandsThe table below lists all available multispectral OLI bands.  Bathymetric with DRA consumes bands 4,3,1.BandDescriptionWavelength (µm)Spatial Resolution (m)1Coastal aerosol0.43 - 0.45302Blue0.45 - 0.51303Green0.53 - 0.59304Red0.64 - 0.67305Near Infrared (NIR)0.85 - 0.88306SWIR 11.57 - 1.65307SWIR 22.11 - 2.29308Cirrus (in OLI this is band 9)1.36 - 1.38309QA Band (available with Collection 1)NA30*More about the Quality Assessment BandAdditional Usage NotesOverviews exist with a spatial resolution of 300m and are updated weekly based on the best and latest imagery available at that time.To work with individual source images at all scales, either use the ‘Lock Raster’ functionality or add a query filter to restrict the display to a specified image or group of images.NOTE:  ‘Lock Raster’ should only be used on the layer for short periods of time, as the imagery and associated record Object IDs may change daily.Images can be exported up to a maximum of 2,000 columns x 2,000 rows per request.This ArcGIS Server dynamic Imagery Layer can be used in Web Maps and ArcGIS Desktop as well as Web and Mobile applications using the REST based Image Services API.WCS and WMS compatibility means this imagery can be consumed as WCS or WMS services.Powered by ArcGIS for Server, the Landsat Explorer App is another way to access the imagery.Data SourceLandsat imagery is sourced from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Data is hosted by the Amazon Web Services as part of their Public Data Sets program. Users can access full scenes from Landsat on AWS, or alternatively access LandsatLook to review and download full scenes from the complete USGS archive.For information on Landsat 8 images, see Landsat8.

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Field Value
Last Updated August 8, 2019, 10:42 (CDT)
Created August 8, 2019, 10:42 (CDT)
dcat_issued 2016-08-11T15:49:04.000Z
dcat_modified 2018-05-03T18:37:40.000Z