Non-Indigenous access to piped water in Latin America and the Caribbean

This layer presents the percentage of Non-Indigenous people who have access to piped water services in 13 countries of the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region. In LAC, Indigenous peoples are 10 to 25 percent less likely to have access to piped water than the region’s Non-Indigenous populations. Lack of access to Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) services perpetuates chronic poverty. Extending the human right of access to WSS services to Indigenous peoples represents the final step for many countries of the region to reach universal water coverage. For more information, access the report here:

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated July 26, 2021, 03:50 (CDT)
Created August 8, 2019, 15:03 (CDT)
GUID 0a05c23e-bbe1-11e7-bdb3-005056062634
access_constraints ["Unless otherwise specified, no restriction applies."]
bbox-east-long 180
bbox-north-lat 90
bbox-south-lat -90
bbox-west-long -180
coupled-resource []
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "publication", "value": "2017-06-07T13:09:00Z"}]
graphic-preview-description Thumbnail for 'Non-Indigenous access to piped water in Latin America and the Caribbean'
graphic-preview-type image/png
licence []
metadata-date 2020-12-10T20:10:42Z
progress completed
resource-type dataset
responsible-party [{"name": "UNESCO", "roles": ["originator"]}]
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-180.0, -90.0], [180.0, -90.0], [180.0, 90.0], [-180.0, 90.0], [-180.0, -90.0]]]}
spatial-reference-system 4326
spatial_harvester true
temporal-extent-begin 2001-01-01T14:09:00+00:00
temporal-extent-end 2012-12-31T14:09:00+00:00