Permitted Marine Hydrokinetic Projects for US Waters as of March 2016

Pending or issued preliminary permits or issued licenses for marine hydrokinetic projects that produce energy from waves or directly from the flow of water in ocean currents or tides. The status of these projects is administered by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). This dataset excludes any sites considered inland. Listings found for maximum capacity and average annual production are estimates obtained from applications submitted to FERC by the licensee. Actual numbers upon build-out could vary.

Preliminary permits maintain priority of application for a license for up to three years while a potential license applicant explores project feasibility and prepares a license application, but do not authorize construction, operation, or maintenance of a hydropower project. Although studies are often carried out while potential applicants hold preliminary permits, the permits do not authorize any activity or site access. Such permissions must be obtained from the appropriate authority. In some cases, potential license applicants can obtain a successive permit if they have pursued the preparation of a license application in good faith and with due diligence. Only a small portion of preliminary permits lead to licenses.

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Last Updated July 30, 2019, 14:00 (CDT)
Created July 30, 2019, 14:00 (CDT)