Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) Standard Deviation of Long-term Mean, 2002-2013 - Hawaii

Solar irradiance is one of the most important factors influencing coral reefs. As the majority of their nutrients are obtained from symbiotic photosynthesizing organisms, reef-building corals need irradiance as a fundamental source of energy. Seasonally-low irradiance at high latitudes may be linked to reduced growth rates in corals and may limit reef calcification to shallower depths than that observed at lower latitudes. However, high levels of irradiance can lead to light-induced damage, production of free radicals, and in combination with increased temperatures, can exacerbate coral bleaching. This layer represents the standard deviation of the 8-day time series of irradiance (mol/m2/day) from July 2002 to December 31, 2013. Irradiance is here represented by PAR (photosynthetically active radiation), which is the spectrum of light that is important for photosynthesis. Monthly and 8-day 4-km (0.0417-degree) spatial resolution data were obtained from the MODIS (Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) Aqua satellite instrument from the NASA OceanColor website (

The standard deviation of the long-term mean of PAR was calculated by taking the standard deviation over all 8-day data from 2002-2013 for each pixel. A quality control mask was applied to remove spurious data associated with shallow water, following Gove et al., 2013. Nearshore map pixels with no data were filled with values from the nearest neighboring valid offshore pixel by using a grid of points and the Near Analysis tool in ArcGIS then converting points to raster.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated July 15, 2019, 18:14 (CDT)
Created July 15, 2019, 18:14 (CDT)
GUID hi_otp_all_par_std
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fees []
graphic-preview-description Sample image.
grouped_keywords [["Theme", [{"keywords": ["Earth Science > Biosphere > Aquatic Ecosystems > Reef Habitat", "Earth Science > Biosphere > Ecosystems > Marine Ecosystems > Reef > Coral Reef", "Earth Science > Biosphere > Vegetation > Photosynthetically Active Radiation", "Earth Science > Human Dimensions > Human Settlements > Coastal Areas", "Earth Science > Oceans > Coastal Processes > Coral Reefs", "Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Optics > Photosynthetically Active Radiation"], "type": "theme", "anchors": [], "thesaurus": {"edition": "", "title": "GCMD Science Keywords"}}, {"keywords": ["surface_downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_flux_in_air"], "type": "theme", "anchors": [], "thesaurus": {"edition": "", "title": "CF Standard Name Table v39"}}]], ["Data Center", [{"keywords": ["PacIOOS > Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System"], "type": "dataCenter", "anchors": [], "thesaurus": {"edition": "", "title": "GCMD Data Center Keywords"}}]], ["Place", [{"keywords": ["Continent > North America > United States Of America > Hawaii", "Ocean > Pacific Ocean > Central Pacific Ocean > Hawaiian Islands"], "type": "place", "anchors": [], "thesaurus": {"edition": "", "title": "GCMD Location Keywords"}}]], ["Project", [{"keywords": ["PacIOOS > Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System"], "type": "project", "anchors": [], "thesaurus": {"edition": "", "title": "GCMD Project Keywords"}}]]]
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lineage OGC web services (WMS and WCS) enabled by PacIOOS via GeoServer. Original data from source provider may have been reformatted, reprojected, or adjusted in other ways to optimize these capabilities.
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purpose This layer was developed as part of a geospatial database of key anthropogenic pressures to coastal waters of the Main Hawaiian Islands for the Ocean Tipping Points (OTP) project ( Ocean tipping points occur when shifts in human use or environmental conditions result in large, and sometimes abrupt, impacts to marine ecosystems. The ability to predict and understand ocean tipping points can enhance ecosystem management, including critical coral reef management and policies to protect ecosystem services produced by coral reefs. The goal of the Ocean Tipping Points Hawaii case study was to gather, process, and map spatial information on environmental and human-based drivers of coral reef ecosystem conditions.
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