Road Centerline GIS Data csv


Road Centerline GIS Data in csv format. This data set has over 7000 records, so the preview may take a while to load

Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
FID text
the_geom text
tag text
id numeric
cltype text
costatus text
streetid numeric
stdir text
stname text
stsuffix text
stpostd text
fullname text
vicinity text
addblock numeric
lowadd numeric
highadd numeric
leftlow numeric
lefthigh numeric
rightlow numeric
righthig numeric
evenside text
oddside text
oneway text
travel text
travdir text
speed numeric
funcclas text
roadclas text
govjurrd text
govjurL text
govjurR text
maincust text
lowintid numeric
highinti numeric
lowxsts text
highxsts text
zipleft numeric
zipright numeric
twpleft text
twpright text
stalias1 text
stalias2 text
stalias3 text
highway text
lastdate numeric
lastact text
lastby text

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated unknown
Metadata last updated unknown
Created unknown
Format CSV
License other-license-specified
Createdover 6 years ago
Media typetext/csv
can be previewedTrue
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
package id28e95da0-715f-4c8c-bdad-7be5d753bac2
revision idf98c41f6-7041-4f53-9426-1bdbd48403cf
webstore last updatedNone
webstore urlNone