Tajikistan - Administrative Boundaries (taxonomy)

An overview of the administrative divisions for Tajikistan, including their associated names and unique identifiers (according to the OKATO classification system).

The overview includes administrative level 1 (Viloyat + independent city) and administrative level 2 (Nohiya + independent cities). Administrative level 3 (Jamoat) has not been included in this overview, as these have recently changed (geographical boundaries, names and OKATO codes) and it has not been possible to verify the most recent overview.

OCHA's Regional Office for the Caucasus and Central Asia is maintaining a dataset with the geographical boundaries of administrative levels 1 and 2 for preparedness purposes, but is not allowed to make it public. In case of a major humanitarian emergency, this geographical dataset will be shared with humanitarian agencies.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Maintainer 84e567b6-1d09-4f7e-96f5-b69c09028cbc
Last Updated May 26, 2023, 12:54 (CDT)
Created July 23, 2019, 02:20 (CDT)
encoding utf8
harvest_url https://data.humdata.org/dataset/e8bc440b-1d29-43b3-86d7-84981004bb46