West African Health Centres - 3 word addresses

We have provided the 3 word addresses of each health centre within the West African Region.

what3words is a simple, real-time, location referencing system which solves many of the key logistical issues facing aid and humanitarian organisations, for whom street addresses, GPS co-ordinates, and other systems don't exist or are problematic.

Using words means non-technical people can find any location more accurately and most importantly, communicate it more quickly, more easily and with less ambiguity than any other system.

For more information, to get our API or batch encode your coordinates visit http://www.developer.what3words.com

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Field Value
Maintainer e32d5afb-cc7e-4715-85b7-5a3b849443f5
Last Updated March 14, 2024, 05:32 (CDT)
Created July 22, 2019, 21:47 (CDT)
encoding utf8
harvest_url https://data.humdata.org/dataset/80033341-69e4-4389-ba78-ad06e573cc03