West African Rainfall Predictability by NARI

Exploring the predictability of weather-within-climate variability of rainfall using the North Atlantic SST Relative Index (NARI) - Total Rainfall - Number of Wet Days - Rainfall Intensity - Number of Dry Spells - Number of Wet Spells 3 rainfall datasets (TAMSAT v3, CHIRPS, and ARC2) are used individually with the NARI to calculate the tercile probabilities of 5 rainfall characteristics of West Africa 1983-2014.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated July 23, 2019, 15:08 (CDT)
Created July 23, 2019, 15:08 (CDT)
GUID 9998f375-4ec1-40f7-82e5-4fee79caf05f
access_constraints []
bbox-east-long 23.5
bbox-north-lat 20
bbox-south-lat 4
bbox-west-long -18
contact-email remic@iri.columbia.edu
coupled-resource []
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "creation", "value": "2018-04-28"}]
frequency-of-update continual
graphic-preview-description Thumbnail
graphic-preview-file https://www.servirglobal.net/Portals/0/Images/MetadataThumbs/AGRHYMET_Rain_NARI.PNG
licence ["The SERVIR Project, NASA, USAID, and IRI make no express or implied warranty of this data as to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The US Government shall not be liable for special, consequential or incidental damages attributed to this data.", "Users are permitted to download and use data without limitations. SERVIR encourages users to keep any adapted or redistributed versions of this data freely available for public use."]
metadata-date 2018-12-04T19:42:13
progress completed
responsible-party [{"name": "International Research Institute for Climate and Society", "roles": ["originator"]}]
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-18.0, 4.0], [23.5, 4.0], [23.5, 20.0], [-18.0, 20.0], [-18.0, 4.0]]]}
spatial_harvester true