Merriam's Shrew Range - CWHR M013 [ds1809]

Vector datasets of CWHR range maps are one component of California Wildlife Habitat Relationships (CWHR), a comprehensive information system and predictive model for Californias wildlife. The CWHR System was developed to support habitat conservation and management, land use planning, impact assessment, education, and research involving terrestrial vertebrates in California. CWHR contains information on life history, management status, geographic distribution, and habitat relationships for wildlife species known to occur regularly in California. Range maps represent the maximum, current geographic extent of each species within California. They were originally delineated at a scale of 1:5,000,000 by species-level experts and have gradually been revised at a scale of 1:1,000,000. For more information about CWHR, visit the CWHR webpage ( The webpage provides links to download CWHR data and user documents such as a look up table of available range maps including species code, species name, and range map revision history; a full set of CWHR GIS data; .pdf files of each range map or species life history accounts; and a User Guide.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Maintainer BIOS_Admin
Last Updated August 9, 2022, 05:02 (CDT)
Created August 9, 2022, 05:02 (CDT)
Identifier f135d1ff-c2fb-487a-afa3-490e529644d9
Issued 2018-02-13T00:58:44.000Z
Modified 2021-05-14T20:57:54.000Z
Theme {"Natural Resources",Water}
accessLevel public
publisher California Department of Fish and Wildlife
resource-type Dataset
source_datajson_identifier true
source_hash f6e767832ca8d2fbc36010fcda6e698b96c607f4
source_schema_version 1.1